
In general an excellent hotel. Nice & helpful staff, clean & warm room. Restaurant is the best. Location is not in the city, but perfect if we drive.

Mitten in einem Neubaugebiet. Unweit der Natur. Sehr gut. Restaurant absolut empfehlenswert. Sehr nettes und zuvorkommendes Personal.

Gutes Essen Ruhige Lage

This is a good western-standard hotel in small-town Slovakia. Rooms are air-conditioned and equipped with good quality beds and furniture. The overall setting and service of the hotel was very good too, and staff speaks English very well.

Dakujeme velmi pekne Hotel Galanta**** za pristup a trpezlivost pri organizovani nasej svadby minuly vikend. Vdaka stopercentnemu pristupu Vasej event managerky, Vasmu chutnemu jedlu, skvelej obsluhe a krasnym priestorom bola nasa svadba tak uzasna:) !! Este raz dakujeme a odporucame!

Lovely Hotel. Spa arriving soon.

Localization of the hotel.

Svadba v tomto hoteli bola paráda.

Ďakujem v mene svojom ale aj dvoch mojich „spolubojovníkov“ za krásne prežitie Silvestrovského večera vo Vašom hoteli. Všetko bolo na veľmi vysokej úrovni, personál, hoci mladí vekovým priemerom, maximálne ústretový a profesne veľmi erudovaný a to na všetkých pozíciách. Toto všetko ocenil i náš pánsky doprovod p. Csepréghy, ktorý bol takmer štvrťstoročie vrchným v reštaurácii Slovenské srdce v Bratislave na námestí SNP (táto reštaurácia už dnes neexistuje).
Ešte raz ďakujeme, želáme v novom roku pevné zdravie, veľa osobných úspechov v pracovnom ale i súkromnom živote a sprevádzanie Božej milosti po celý rok 2015.
Určite ku Vám ešte zavítame, ak mám písať za seba, ja by som Váš hotel rada navštívila v letných mesiacoch s mojou vnučkou, ktorá bude mať v tom období dva a pol roka.
S úprimným pozdravom pre Vás všetkých vďačná vd. Mária Sláviková z Bratislavy

The hotel is located out of the town of Galanta in a small, newly built neigborhood. It can be an asset for those who do not like incity hum. As I spent only one day there I do not pretend to make a comprehensive description of services offered. Suffice it to say that the hotel fulfilled my expectations. The hotel is very nice, clean, well furnished. I especially appreciated having breakfast in a nice winter garden. The price, comparing the hotel standard and services, is more than reasonable. When going to that area again I will definetely choose the same hotel. And I would willingly recomended it to my best friend.

We stayed here for app. 2,5 weeks for business, did see different rooms during this time and can say that everythink is quite good. Restaurant is very good – we did enjoy here nearly every meal during this period – with meat, with fish, starters and so on and we were at every time satisfied with the dining but also with the service. Also slovakish beer is quite good.
The hotel service was also very good and friendly. We could also order very fast a conference room in the hotel for working at the evening – without any problems.
However, if we will come back to Galanta we will take only this hotel!! For sure!
And you can also do sports at the evening – the hotel is near to a new construction area which is illuminated – and everyone will hear you because quite every house has a barking dog behind the wall.. hahaha
At the moment they are building a wellness area……

War geschäftlich in Galanta und zum wiederholten mal in diesem Hotel. Die Zimmer sind super ausgestattet und verfügen über alle Annehmlichkeiten. (Inkl. Kostel. WLAN)
Das Restaurant sucht seinesgleichen. Inzwischen auch preislich etwas angezogen, aber immer noch sehr sehr günstig. Hier kann man richtig relaxen, das Personal trägt das seine mit bei. Unaufdringlich, sehr freundlich und mehrsprachig.
Wenn jetzt noch der angekündigte Wellnessbereich kommt, dann ist es wirklich perfekt. Ich komme gerne wieder hier her.

Prostorný apartmán + pohodlná postel + rychlý internet + prostorná vana + výborná restaurace + dostatek parkovacích míst.

Nice looking and nice designed hotel for reasonable price. But I don´t consider location for the best one, is closed to quite busy road, out of the town. But OK, on other hand not too far to be in Galanta in 5 minutes by car. What I consider for not very positive are small details which created my opinion not to agree with 4 stars classification. Rather poor breakfast (coffee taste quite terrible and small selection – in 4 stars hotel?!), dud wardrobe, inconveniently designed shower in bath …). Positive was spacious room, wide selection of TV channels, good working free Wi-Fi and very well supplied minibar and also free and big enough parking place.

Při svých služebních cestách pravidelně využívám služeb hotelu. Není co vytknout – vynikající kuchyně, příjemný personál, čisté pokoje s wifi a bezproblémové parkování. Vždy se rád vrátím.

This Hotel is greatful! The room is wonderful, the food is luxury, the best!!!!! This Hotel EXCELLENT!!!!The owner is very helpful and funny person! If you have a wish here everything solution! Here all dreams=come true

Hotel Galanta in Galanta. Zei Tage beruflich in Galanta verbracht. Das Hotel Galanta besticht durch perfekte Lage, wunderbare Ausstattung und spitzenmäßiges Service. Das Restaurant würde in Österreich sicherlich zwei Hauben bei Gault Millau bekommen. Die Preise überraschen uns sehr positiv.
Die Entenleber als Vorspeise war Hitverdächtig.

Vaše hodnotenie Hotela Galanta

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